We’re recruiting a team of volunteers to collect oral history interviews as part of our project Beyond Medicine: a social history of women and pandemics. You will receive training from the Oral History Society, before interviewing women who supported their community during the recent pandemic. This may be individuals who sewed scrubs during the PPE crisis, ran food banks or organised within mutual aid groups.
The purpose of the project is to ensure stories about women and the pandemic are not forgotten; that they are preserved for future generations to learn from. It will celebrate the way women come together to make a difference in our communities. These women may not have developed vaccines or modelled infection spread, but their efforts were vital in keeping society going.
The project is open to all ages and experiences, but we particularly welcome under 25s. The amount of time and hours you give is entirely up to you, and can fit around existing work, study or other responsibilities. The only requirement is that you attend our oral history training session on Wednesday 18th May, from 9.30am – 4.30pm at the Mill in Walthamstow.
Out of pocket expenses provided are provided.
To apply visit our main website